Zach January-February 2010 click here to go to Zach's March-April '10 page

Zach enjoying his sand-art Christmas present from Diana 01/04/10

"Christmas, part deux," in Toronto - here, with Auntie Susan & Aunt Val 01/09/10

Checking out some of Grammy & Grampa's Golden Anniversary gifts! 01/10/10

A serious game of 'Flintstones' with Grammy 01/11/10

A running game with Adam and Aunt Val 01/13/10

Reading (singing ! - 'The Wheels on the bus'!) with Grampa 01/13/10

Giving Big Lambie a squeeze before his first trip on an airplane, as Zach & Mommy head home (Daddy drove a few days earlier)! 01/14/10

Who needs toys when there are fold-down (-and-up-and-down-and-up-and-down . . .) trays?! 01/14/10

The view from above 01/14/10

We complete the trip with a train ride home from the airport. It's been a long day! 01/14/10

"Bury me, Daddy!" 01/17/10

'Moses in the bulrushes' Lord Project 01/20/10

Zach's FAVOURITE game : building a tent on Daddy & Mommy's bed ! 01/23/10

Painting Valentines 02/05/10

Bedtime stories with Mommy (some things just don't get old ! :=) ) 02/05/10

'Daniel in the Lion's Den' Lord Project 02/18/10

Mia & Zach enjoy the snow! 02/19/10

Back inside, they race with their daddies! 02/19/10

Fishing with his long-lost rod (left @ G&G's in mid-January, brought k/o Coopers 6wks later!) 02/22/10

Diana visits and humours him with a rousing game of 'Caribou Island'! 02/22/10

Later, 'Candy Land' with Aunt Karie ! (What a fun day!) 02/22/10


Some cute Zach-isms:

- "Bweskwest" = breakfast; "vingeder" = vinegar; "imperagus" = asparagus; "incuse me" = excuse me

- "Does flour come from real flowers, Mommy?"

- "Where are my pretend construction boots? Winnie the Pooh says (in a low voice), 'I have your boots!'" :=D

- "I like blue. It's my favourite ." Mommy asks, "What about green? I thought green was your favourite?" "I like green, and blue, and red, and purple, and black, and ..." Mommy explains that 'favourite' means 'best'. Zach replies, "Green is my favourite."

- Daddy & Mommy sometimes awaken to lovely strains of "Happy Birthday" (sung while still lying in bed, in his room) :=)

- Zach does not enjoy drawing, but loves painting - mostly (if not entirely?) the mixing of gooey colours. He loves doing his 'Lord Projects'!

    click here to go to Zach's March-April '10 page